
Webcam Halle

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Webcam Halle Ost

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zur Hauptseite des FSC Odenwald


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Flugsportclub Odenwald e.V. Walldürn
Flugsportclub Odenwald e.V. Walldürn

Aktuelles Bild - Webcam Halle - Richtung Nordost


(Uhrzeit der Bilder = UTC, Winterzeit: MEZ=UTC+1h, Sommerzeit: MESZ=UTC+2h)
    EDEW - Info

Warning: include(): Peer certificate CN=`*.kasserver.com' did not match expected CN=`old.fsco.de' in /www/htdocs/fsccam/aktuell-halle-ost.php on line 277

Warning: include(): Failed to enable crypto in /www/htdocs/fsccam/aktuell-halle-ost.php on line 277

Warning: include(https://old.fsco.de/scripts/notam-readout.php): failed to open stream: operation failed in /www/htdocs/fsccam/aktuell-halle-ost.php on line 277

Warning: include(): Failed opening 'https://old.fsco.de/scripts/notam-readout.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:..') in /www/htdocs/fsccam/aktuell-halle-ost.php on line 277

Warning: include(): Peer certificate CN=`*.kasserver.com' did not match expected CN=`old.fsco.de' in /www/htdocs/fsccam/aktuell-halle-ost.php on line 281

Warning: include(): Failed to enable crypto in /www/htdocs/fsccam/aktuell-halle-ost.php on line 281

Warning: include(https://old.fsco.de/scripts/sunset.php): failed to open stream: operation failed in /www/htdocs/fsccam/aktuell-halle-ost.php on line 281

Warning: include(): Failed opening 'https://old.fsco.de/scripts/sunset.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:..') in /www/htdocs/fsccam/aktuell-halle-ost.php on line 281

Warning: include(): Peer certificate CN=`*.kasserver.com' did not match expected CN=`old.fsco.de' in /www/htdocs/fsccam/aktuell-halle-ost.php on line 285

Warning: include(): Failed to enable crypto in /www/htdocs/fsccam/aktuell-halle-ost.php on line 285

Warning: include(https://old.fsco.de/scripts/windausgabe.php): failed to open stream: operation failed in /www/htdocs/fsccam/aktuell-halle-ost.php on line 285

Warning: include(): Failed opening 'https://old.fsco.de/scripts/windausgabe.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:..') in /www/htdocs/fsccam/aktuell-halle-ost.php on line 285

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